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This three-day development programme will consider the role of leadership in todays and tomorrow's world and discuss where and how it needs to change to allow organisations to thrive into the future. We will use the Four Perspectives of Leadership to guide and shape our thinking. The perspectives are Me as a Leader, Followership, Networks and Adaptive Challenges. We believe that all leadership development starts with ourselves, understanding and managing our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

From this everything else follows. London Strategy Centre believes a real leadership development programme should always connect back to participants real life challenges. We explore these by challenging and reframing thinking through discussions, examples, activities, reflection and coaching. We spend time on ways to explore the problem before

stepping into possible new solutions.

We will go to the Tower of London for the graduation dinner. A traditionally British surrounding that is steeped in hundreds of years of history. This is a perfect way to end an intense and highly rewarding programme, especially as dinners like these are not open to the public.

Who should attend ?


  • In a leadership position with more than 10 years experience.
  • Willing to explore new ways of leading others and their organisation.
  • Keen to share experiences and learning.
  • Wanting to be a catalyst for change when they return to their organisation.
  • Have the confidence to challenge and deepen their understanding against their context.
  • Start the process of positive change.

Programme Benefits


  • New ways of thinking based on different ideas towards leadership.
  • Work out why you do what you do, both at home and work, and have a better relationship with yourself and others.
  • Time to reflect on what has and hasn't worked in the past.
  • Meeting new people, learning from each other, and building an extended network.
  • Explore and test ideas in a safe environment.


Learning Objectives


  • Reframe their approach to leadership in today's world preparing them for tomorrow.
  • Have greater level of self-awareness and identify the things which have the greatest and worst impact on them and on others.
  • Enhance awareness on how they view others and get the best out of them.
  • Identify, map and leverage their networks more effectively to manage and solve complex challenges.
  • Label their difference challenges and therefore consider how to approach them.
  • Consider new perspectives on how to manage and lead through their current and future challenges.
  • Build a better network amongst participants, learn from each other and create opportunities to support each other after the programme.

Adapt, Lead, and Thrive in the Future Business Environment!


"In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, effective leadership is more crucial than ever. This programme provides a unique blend of insights and applications, equipping the participants with the tools and confidence needed to navigate complex challenges. The emphasis on leadership practice, rather than just content, is what sets this programme apart. It empowers senior executives to learn how to be effective leaders by improving their acts and activities. This programme is invaluable for any executive seeking to elevate their leadership skills and make a meaningful impact."

Abdulla Alhashimi


Ticket Price

Price includes visa invitation letter, material costs, refreshments, and lunch.

The approach

At LSC we firmly believe that development for adults, especially those in leadership roles, needs to harness their existing experience and knowledge. We know somethings but not everything. It is our job to draw out your experiences and create something new and different perspectives. At every stage we connect the learning back to real challenges facing those on the programme.

We ask a lot of questions, we challenge in ways to stimulate new thinking, we expect and embrace differences and we go where the conversations take us. By the end of the programme we aspire for everyone to think differently and to have a new found approach to tackle their challenges.


Arab British Chamber of Commerce
43 Upper Grosvenor Street

London, United Kingdom

See route

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