This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Arab-British Chamber of Commerce events.

In the run up to the 4th Arab British Economic Summit 2024 , the ABCC will be holding a series of Forums on dedicated topics that will feature in the full summit programme.

During this event, we will be holding a session with a panel of experts from public and private industry to address questions related to digital transformation and AI, trends in healthcare, tourism, real estate investment and all that contributes to the growth of smart cities. The event will highlight latest innovations reshaping the economic landscape, including cutting edge green tech, new gadgets, mobility monitoring, as well as the impact of digitisation on trade processes, combating risks and policy responses to protect data.

Join us for what promises to be a unique business networking experience.


Arab British Chamber of Commerce
43 Upper Grosvenor Street

London, United Kingdom

See route

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